Sunday, February 12, 2012

Learning Letter

King can identify almost all the letters of the alphabet correctly and knows some of the letter sounds. He can't really write any yet unless you count a circle as the letter o and a straight line as the letter I. We have been using these toys for a few months now.




Other than that I like to point out signs on the street or in stores and ask him if he knows any of the letters on the signs then I ask him if he knows what sound the letter makes.

King also watches Word World and the Leap Frog Learning Shows on Netflix. Word World is all about letters words and phonics. The Leap Frog Show has different episodes about different learning topics, letters, numbers, patterns, etc. King has learned a so much from both shows.



Kings Mobigo and V-smile games have levels aimed at learning about letter and phonics. All together King gets about 30 minutes of learning his letters everyday.

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